Spring MAGCon
Super 2025 Planning Kickoff
Attendees: Nate, Lauren, Marc, Tyler, Cralls, Jared, Agave, Jonathan Vega, Matthew Balch, Jinx, Sophia, Dustin East, Casey, Dave, Heather
Notes: Lauren
Action Item review from retro:
- Schedule a TOTK meeting - Nate, in progress with Deb
- Create final checklist and drop dead date - Nate and Lauren, ongoing
- Figure out if there is a way to make filters/tags exclusive in Guidebook - Guidebook team
- Add MAGScouts questions to DH section of staff feedback form
2025 Goals:
- Iterate on department tracking spreadsheet
- Better way to manage and have ownership of these tasks
- Build a better process for departments to participate
- Iterate on the handout - better highlight sheet of what’s in Guidebook
Action Items:
- Nate: Follow up with Julie at PBS
- Nate & Lauren: Make a timeline and then Add Scouts deadlines to the Timeline Project
- Start talking to departments that do intake about adding Panels set of questions to their content like now
- Panels - done
- IA
- Tabletop
- Music