Attendees: Nate, Lauren, Cralls, Dave, Casey, Sarah, Sophia, Jinx, Jennifer, Agave
Notes: Nate & Lauren
Action Item review:
- Nate: Follow up with Julie at PBS - waiting for reply
- Nate & Lauren: Make a timeline and then Add Scouts deadlines to the Timeline Project
- Start talking to departments that do intake about adding Panels set of questions to their content like now
- Panels - done
- IA - in flight
- MIVS -
- Tabletop - do they take submissions
- Music - talked to Nate G, taken care of in their own way
- Lauren: Compile Guidebook questions into a doc
- Cralls: Make a Google group with all the peeps in the Slacks
- 2025 Initiatives:
- Timeline/PM nonsense - Lauren and Nate
- Department content tracking spreadsheet - Nate & Casey
- Guidebook - Sarah probably
- Brand Guide - Sarah + Cralls + Agave
- Activity sheet/book = Jennifer Guarnuccio + Jinx taking lead (woo!)
- Currently a folded 11x7, but could expand. Would then maybe need a shift for assembly
- If we made it a booklet, would be great if there was relevant, significant educational info in there (Agave interested in this)
- Feedback about wanting a printed schedule list. This would necessitate a booklet. Could get out of hand easily.
- Maybe just hit the high points of kid focused/friendly stuff like arcade kid hours, etc. Focus on the big interactive sessions.
- Merch in kids sizes
- Theme shirt + the classic line
- Scouts specific shirt?
- MAGFest lunch box
- Junior plushie
- Scouts keychain - backpack buddy
- Agave has a workshop with Girls Rock
- Have we had a scavenger hunt?
- not quite
- hide Junior around the Gaylord and do a scavenger hunt a la the ICE thing Gaylord does
- MAGscouts is on signs. Could have them up use this as a scavenger hunt. Could have a word on it. Then folks place the word on the paper we give out
- it can be part of filling out the activity book for a prize
- AR mini games at different signs
- QR codes
- Would be cool if there was a Scout tour of Museum. Let them know this idea exists?
- Parents meet up - this would be a panel submission = Bluehat Dave owning this
- stuff to do at this meetup? coloring sheets, etc.?
- Better Content Tracking Spreadsheet - Nate + Casey
- Little Library
- Partnership guidelines - Cralls