Attendees: Cralls, Nate, Casey, Bluehat, Lauren, Jinx, Jared, Sophia
Notes: Lauren
Action Item Review:
- Nate: Talk to Dac about putting Junior on a t-shirt in the merch booth
- Nate: Email Julie at PBS in July
- Lauren: Add Scouts to the Timeline Project
- Lauren: follow up on Guidebook rep meeting with Emily & Cralls
- Jared: Get a rough count of how many stickers and patches we have left
- Cralls: Games for Change recap
- Cralls: Check-in re: website migration
- Main focus for August: External outreach
- Initiative check-ins
- Can’t do a single instance of reductive instead of inclusive filters, but will add it as a general development to their magical mystical pipeline
- How else can we apply content warnings to Guidebook if we can’t do it with tags?
- Add it to the text instead
- Name, Presenter, Location, Time, Content Warnings
- Blerdcon does this with 18+ in the title and also an unofficial official after hours after 8pm
- Could we make a Jr. icon and put it in the titles of panels without any content warnings
- main hurdle would be to make sure people know what it means
- will Guidebook support this?
Games for Change recap
- was awesome, but lended itself more towards our indie departments than scouts necessarily
- there were a lot of educational games there
- Unity wants to support us in some way
- sponsor a kid’s steam group to come to mag?
- sponsor a kid centric game jam or workshop?
- Side note from Jared: I've been talking to Jam Clinic about hte idea of a Computer lab type panel room (even if we did it for a day) for like coding workshops, Music production owrkshops… Maybe Unity could help us out by providing computers for that or something. Still not SUPER likely that it will be able to happen in the near future but if we had a sponsor for it that might help