Attendees: nate, Nate, James, Laura, Matt, Socks, flan
Secretary: nate
DH Updates:
- Expo halls are 24 hours
- Dev office hours and Staff all hands next week after the dept meeting
- Socks is working on a better timeline for next year
- Flan has monitors and truck space w/ DBAA, waiting to hear on pcs
- waiting to hear from beale how we’re paying for half of this arcade collector
- KY and PA trucks are 100 under, NY truck was a nightmare because penske closed and enterprise hates happiness
Social Media:
- We need help loading the tweets into tweetdeck/schedule a bunch of tweets between now and the event - we have #super-indie-arcade-social-media
Misc MAGFest:
- Flan has a cat named Bingus (not named Bingus but its Bingus)
- MAGtv commercial
- qr code template thing poster