Attendees: nate, Nate, James, Laura, Matt, Socks, flan
Secretary: nate
DH Updates:
- Shifts are looking good, still need to fill 4-8am and some saturday evening and late night, still a few people left to sign up
- extra MIVS volunteer donated to us
- last form needs to go out to devs, needs finalized guidebook images, a social media link for the QR code, and a third thing???
- toolbox is ready
- we’re overbudget on mpoints but arcade loves us
Social Media:
- Flan gonna tweet about DK
- What should we be tweeting about:
- the devs gave us pics and blurbs about their games to use - matt will drop the link in our private channel for y’all
- MAGtv shot list (how many spots and how long) due to Matthew Stoldal by week end (19th). Content must be made and shipped to him by 29th
- we can only say fuck once in the movie and stoldal would rather we don’t spend it on the indie arcade ad spot (aka no profanity plz)
Misc MAGFest:
- flan has an additional orb for pondering
Action Items: