Attendees: nate, Socks
Secretary: nate
DH Updates:
- happy crimbus
- do we want a HS field trip at the alt.ctrl panel? Based on their program name, they might be more looking for traditional video game design. But it might be rad. Or we could just see if any devs wanna meet and chat with them
- QR codes - looking for table stands, faith thinks another department has them and doesn’t use them
- we need ~80 if we do the dbaa games too
- maybe unlit this year, but full sheet and white paper not black for higher viz
- Maintenance -
- checking what DBAA wants to do for contact
- RJD - need game list, confirm if amanda is the sole contact or get john in discord
- meyers - there will be a cell phone number, so probably just escalate to dh on call to contact repair guy
- need guidebook responses from travis + amanda
- Socks to make a clear map of games for booth ppl to use to find them (not an action for this week, leave here so we don’t forget)