Big 3 Tasks Completed This Week:

Major Time Sinks or Blockers:

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Goal Tracking:

Employee Sprint Goals On Track?
Beale Continuing prep and welding yes
Start on fire marshal layouts yes
Starting on work re: logistics needs (penske sheet, DH checklist, etc…) yes
Cralls EOY Giving Stuff finalized & superstar management Yes!
Move forward with Strategic Planning proposal Waiting on one reference to get back to me
Website We think so…
Dac Order Badges On track
Mpoints Not sure, but probably?
Lock down Fangamer specifics (Crazy person merch & status, layouts) On track
Emily Security (Setting up contracts w/ PG county EMS and Police Dept, Moving forward w/ crowd manager training certificates)
Super Insurance
Seller’s Permits - open or publicize form + new documentation
Faith Rooming List gently held up due to Tuber
Suite management & incorporating into rooming list yes
Misc STOPS comms / admin work yes
Deb Security coordinator job listing done!
continue BoD onboarding / comms done!
Super operational concerns (lost badge, 1 day badge) oop not started
Rik more timeline work probably a big chunk of today
feedback processing haven’t gotten to this yet
quarterly / Anny Planny followup in process of rendering notes