Attendees: Nate, Socks, Matt, Lauren, grav, Laura, James, Dave S
Notes: Nate
DH updates
- MAGazine submissions are Erin interview, Robin content, and Socks is going to make a lil event poster
- We need to meet with MAGtv
- Waitlist waiting for final responses
- Potential panel with folx who have had games for multiple years - how did they iterate?
- Artificial Adventure may only have wallspace, not a physical terminal, if this is true talk to James/Laura/Flan/Ben about the viability
- Erin asked about more badges for students to help run the game, maybe, need to know qty
- NYU truck - game center says not this year, ITP says they’re interested.
- Flan following up with them about info w/r/t which students are going, if the fund is just to transport their games and not the people (afaik yes, just the games, AC to drive)
- Final tweaks on layout, pretty much done
- Power plot after sketchup is done
- Need contractor layouts!