Attendees: Nate, Socks, Matt, Lauren, grav, flan, James, Laura, Steph
Notes: Nate
DH updates
- Panelists
- Miki, scrapeboard, maybe both?
- Suite
- WIP game thing
- Erin doing interviews for phd research
- dev mixer
- accessibility mixer?
- MIVS - has 3 requests for the suite - 1 interview, 1 event, student group might come meet with devs
- can’t do IGDA mixer as the space isn’t big enough </3
- Erin asked about more badges for students to help run the game, maybe, need to know qty
- NYU truck - ITP approved funding
- we need to talk with AC about logistics- plan a clear meetup spot etc and see what they want to do, so we can clearly communicate instructions to the students
- Robin - may be reaching out about transit from NY to MAG, will cc guests if he doesn’t reach out to them directly