Big 3 Tasks Completed This Week:

Major Time Sinks or Blockers:

<aside> 🏁

Goal Tracking:

Employee Sprint Goals On Track? Done?
Beale continue working on CRT pallets + creating space yes yes
finalize & share fire marshal layouts yes yes
logistics priorities (truck setup, equipment rental, pallet prep, etc.) yes yes
Cralls Superstars + partner/sponsor work Yes! On-going
strategic planning next steps Yes! On-going
Labs planning Yes! On-going
(website honorable mention) Welp. Had to pivot, but feel pretty good about new plan
Dac Super signage list & design
Super Mpoints & staff t-shirt ordering
Super map design
(Stock promo vid honorable mention)
Emily Guidebook finalizing & publishing Yes Yes
seller’s permit coordination/submission Yes Yes
Super security-related tasks (crowd managers, PG county) Yes On-going
Faith rooming list adjustments/fixes need to do 75% done
staff newsletter + related docs in progress done
load-in/load-out food need to do need to do
(Safe HubSpot honorable mention) in progress 90% done
Deb security coordinator offer + onboarding behind schedule still behind but good
strategic planning next steps ahead of schedule ahead and good!
Super AV review + departmental questions not started 😬 rolled over
Rik West feedback capturing nahdawg
timeline next steps yes
Stock spinup/gently ushering kinda!