
We work to ensure everyone can attend and fully enjoy MAGWest, no matter the barrier.

👥 Team

Department Head Sarah Burroughs

Department Manager You?

💌 Contact

Slack #west-accessibility

Department Email [email protected]

On-site Hotline

Send texts to TBA

Voice calls go to TBA.

During the event, the Department Head carries a handheld radio.

📑 Reference Material

All Staff

Shift Resources


Department leadership works during the off-season to coordinate with other departments, attendees, and contractors to ensure the smooth operation of our event.


TBA- This is a brand new department! Please visit #west-accessibility in Slack if you have any input or questions! Pinned in the channel is a review of MAGWest 2024 for accessibility/inclusion, and a proposal of how to implement the department in the next year(s).

For an idea of what an Accessibility Department can offer in the large-scale capacity, visit the page for the Super MAGFest division of Accessibility here.