TechOps maintains two identically equipped AV adapter boxes which are used for initially setting up a room, for connecting recording/streaming equipment, and for connecting individual presenter equipment.

The contents were chosen with the goal of having the right adapter for any equipment/situation we might encounter. The quantities were chosen based on how many of an item we already had on hand, how often we thought we'd need a specific adapter, and how much it cost to purchase a specific adapter.

It's important to remember that we make no guarantees regarding adapters for presenter equipment. Theoretically, presenters are instructed to bring any adapters necessary to connect their device to a VGA cable. The adapter boxes exist for the frequent occasions when a presenter never receives those instructions, fails to understand those instructions, or simply misplaces their adapter.

Each adapter box is equipped with the following:

Video Device Adapters

Video Adapters

Audio Adapters

General Adapters