Division Head/Chair Position Description also available here.
Purpose/Goal of Position: An event chair or Division Head directly oversees and supports a group of departments at Super MAGFest, MAGStock, or MAGWest.
Description of Duties/Activities: The duties of an event chair or Division Head are focused on support and guidance. General tasks include:
- Check in with departments on a regular basis to provide and gather status updates
- Attend department meetings as requested
- Attend chair/Division Head meetings as requested
- Assist in answering questions/getting approval regarding issues outside the control of the department (e.g. legal concerns, interdepartmental disputes, event policy feedback)
- Address issues with Department Heads
- Encourage Department Heads to address interpersonal or work-related issues with staffers in their department (utilizing STOPS as needed)
- Arrange any inter-departmental meetings in the effort of collaboration.
- Communicate org-wide policy or policy changes regarding security, staffing policies, etc.
- Promote MAGCon (twice-annual planning meeting) to department leadership.
- If applicable, promote WestCon or StockCon (which are currently annual).
- Work with departments on their budgets
- Work with departments on their layouts