All staff hotel requests can be viewed through Reggie’s Hotel_Assignment section. To navigate to this section of Reggie, click the upper righthand “Road” icon.

This will take you to the Site Map. Under the section titled “Hotel_Assignments” there is a link titled “Index”. This will take you to the page that lists unassigned staffers, drafted rooms, and more.

Here is what the Hotel Rooms page looks like:

Let’s create a room! Select the blue “Add a room” link.

This will take you to the a page where you can:

Once you’re done filling out the room data, select “Save”.

Our new room will now appear in the room list of the Hotel Room page:

To add a staffer to the room, select “Add an attendee” and a list of staffers will appear in a dropdown menu.

To edit the room nights, admin notes, or staffer message you will want to select the blue “Edit” link.

To review individual hotel requests, click on a staffer’s name.

This will show you the staffer’s night requests, assigned departments, roommate requests + anti-requests, and special needs.