Office crew, Event Chairs, Div Heads, and occasionally some DH's will receive access to a 'Refund Spreadsheet' for reimbursements to Panelists, Guests, Performers, Indie Dev, and anyone else deemed needing a refund for their previously purchased badge. A new spreadsheet is created each year, and will be accessible only by a limited number of individuals. Ask your Div Head if you feel you need access.

An example document that shows the details needed is at

Do Not use this link as the one to fill out, it's just an example


All refund requests should be entered into the spreadsheet at the latest by two weeks after the event.

DO NOT share the spreadsheet with anyone without getting it approved by the Office or Event Chair first.

DO NOT alphabetize the sheet as it messes everything up. If you're looking for someone specific, use the FIND function.

LET US KNOW if you have any questions!

How to use it to request refunds:

Step 1. Fill in the participant name, email, group leaders e-mail if part of a group, amount to refund (this is the badge price paid and must be checked via Uber/Reggie,) YOUR name in the Authorized By column, and detailed notes for why the refund is needed such as 'Guest,' 'Panelist (list panel,)' 'Indie Dev,' 'Performer (list area,)' etc.

Step 2. Email Registration ([email protected]) or mention in #registration in Slack to let them know there are refunds to process (even if you think they already know.)

What gets done by refunding admins:

Step 3. Registration will process the refund and will complete the 'Reimbursed?' column with their name/initials and date reimbursement was issued, will go back into Uber/Reggie and update the status to "Paid and Refunded" with the amount, and will update receipt items with the proper refunded amount.

Step 4. Admin doing the refund MUST email the recipient via Supportbee after they've been refunded to tell them about the 5-10 day refund timeframe. +CC the Group Leader, where applicable, and specify that the Group Leader needs to issue the reimbursement to the individual.