As an Innkeeper, you will have access to personal and confidential information. You must only use this information to complete your role’s duties. Our staff value your discretion and their privacy.

Staffers who request hotel space do so by completing their volunteer checklists. They use this form to enter their requested nights, roommates, anti-roommates, and additional notes. We collect all of those requests in Reggie’s Hotel_Assignment section. This will be the home for most of our reservation work in the coming weeks!

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Staff rooms are a privilege; they are not a right. Staff room requests do not need to be completely fulfilled. Oftentimes, they unfortunately can’t due to conflicting nights, anti-requests, or other irreconcilable reasons. This is communicated to staffers frequently and they are usually understanding. We encourage you to fulfill staff requests wherever possible but don’t feel that you must move heaven and earth to accommodate non-critical requests.

When a staffer requests shared hotel space, they need to have the proper shifts and departmental/division approval to justify shoulder nights, suites, or other unique requests. It is not the Innkeeper’s responsibility to grant approval for unique requests. There are reports we can use to review departmental approval. As Innkeepers, we simply use the information available to us to create the most efficient reservations we can.


Thankfully, there are a number of useful reports we can use to verify a staffer’s room request.