Super MAGScouts 2024 Spring MAGCon Breakout
Present: Nate, Lauren, Cralls, Dave, Tom, Nathan, Sarah, Jared
2024 Deliverables bc they’re on my mind, why not put them here:
- Content guidelines (what is approved content?) for internal use by departments
- Use these to build panel / content submission forms for departments that solicit such things
- Documentation about magscouts for internal and external use
- Dept Handbook (even though its not a department)
- Clear pitch of what magscouts is and isn’t
- Clear staff/volunteer education to prepare them to field questions and better direct attendees to assistance
- Meetings with departments to align with their specific needs/identify their unique contributions
- Guidebook tags for magscouts content
- Potentially more granular content warnings
- magscouts map, activity sheet
No agenda - open session / Q&A after presentation
- Tom - we want to put a flag on the panels submissions about if its MAGScouts approved
- Form goes live by July, form draft done end of May
- We need to identify what we mean when we say THIS IS FOR ALL AGES - what guidelines can we enumerate for the content submitters to make a correct self-assessment
- When we say MAGScouts friendly, do we think “this is kid targeted content” or just “no bad content is in here”
- Were going for the latter, we’re judging the content appropriateness/accessibility and letting parents make the informed choice on the rest
- Jared: thinking about building kid targeted stuff in Makerspace early morning
- MAGScouts doesn’t generate the content, we’re supporting these departments who want to generate content for this kid audience
- Music/concerts could be doing something similar - acoustic sets for kids in the AM, maybe even jam clinic
- Nathan: Jam Clinic is super on board for this sortve thing - separate jam time or area for kids? Or just labeling all of it
- Sarah: tagging content warnings serves all attendees is accessibility
- Start discussing must haves and must not haves for guidelines
- Resources on how to talk to children and youth for departments. Take away the fear/unknown
- Setting people (staff and attendee) to have clear expectations of what Scouts is
- Work on webpage with info similar to slides. What we are. What we are not.
- Encourage scheduling of all ages content toward morning and afternoon
- Panels aims for 18+ not before 10pm or midnight